Tuesday, October 28, 2008
A Picture Says a Thousand Words
Saturday, October 25, 2008
The Beautiful Burden continued...
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The Beautiful Burden of Womanhood
I think mothers are the strongest creatures on earth (Of course, I say this six months after becoming one myself). While making a baby takes two people, the responsibility of protecting and nourishing that baby falls on the woman. We do a job that no man, literally, could ever do. While women have so many options that those that came before us did not have, nothing comes easy for a woman. It is still a man’s world and breaking through the glass ceiling is still an unlikely task. The fact that our bodies are able to reproduce is one of the obstacles of making it in a man’s world.
This is the beautiful burden of womanhood.
Some face this fact by choice, others by surprise, while others by force. There is a certain power and freedom that men have from never having to face this. As women we have worked so hard for equality and rightly so; equal wages, opportunity, etc. However, the greatest thing that separates us from men is our ability to reproduce. This is also the most beautiful, amazing thing about being a woman.
We give life.
I have trouble understanding the pro-choice perspective because it just seems so ugly. The artistic beauty of a child being knit together inside a woman’s body is so incredible and destroying this seems like the ultimate lack of creativity. I can understand choosing not to raise a child, but I don’t understand choosing not to protect and provide a place for it to grow for nine months. I heard Emma’s heart beat for the first time at SIX weeks. At six months old, she’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.
Yes, we have rights. We've worked very, very hard for our rights. But, as women, isn't it the ultimate show of strength to set these rights aside? Doesn't humanity always shine the brightest when we choose to sacrifice? I think most people would agree that it’s best to choose love over hate, optimism over cynicism, giving over taking, creativity over status quo. At times we are asked to set our rights aside for the sake of another, to sacrifice our bodies (and I have the stretch marks to prove it!) which a man would never have to do, but it is the ultimate display of strength and dignity. As women, why would we ever choose less?
Thursday, October 9, 2008
The Adventure Begins
The next picture should be of our new home, but wait, we don't have one yet. Shoot. I told Matt if we don't find one soon, I'll have to follow through with my professional traveler plan, and he'll have to start calling me Large Marge.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Turning Another Page
I know the whole area so well. We were driving the backroads into Cedarville this weekend, and I realized just how familiar it was. I'll miss the 40 minute drive through those country roads to go watch Tim play soccer or sit through a freaking endless day of grad class. I love (and hate) that everytime I go out shopping or to a restaurant I see an old student. I'll miss walking around Cox with Matt and going out for ice cream all the time (ok, we'll still do that in Florida). I'll miss our friends here and the fact that most of our best friends are within a day car ride if ever we need to see them.
I'm just growing sentimental in our last days here. It's strange to close this chapter of our lives because I don't really have any idea what this next one will be like. Regardless, tomorrow we pick up the moving truck and pack up the last 3 years of our lives together and drive them 17 hours down the road...in the opposite direction of NY...unless I hijack the truck...
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Fast Times at Cross Village Dr.
Since all our cooking utensils were packed up we had to go to the Garlic Festival at Cox.
We also finally made it to the Air Force Museum, which I've never been to in all my years in Dayton. I figured it was time. Emma was thrilled.
We also had Emma give rice cereal another try. She still isn't really a fan.
Matt's last day of work was Tuesday, so it's been really nice having him home these last few days. I've really appreciated how much he's helped out with Emma. She hasn't been the best sleeper this week, and he's gotten up with her in the wee hours of the morning to give me a break. It's fun to watch them together. Emma loves her daddy; she lights up whenever he comes into the room and will just stare at him with this smile on her face until he picks her up. He can always make her laugh too. It's pretty sweet.
It was Homecoming weekend at Cedarville this weekend too, which always means a lot of friends and family in town. This year was my 5 year reunion. What the heck?? When did I get so old? Have I really been out of college for that long?