Thursday, January 29, 2009

Starbuck's and Sympathy Smiles

Does anyone else think in Facebook statuses? For instance, today Jenna and I came home to someone playing clarinet in the living room. Since nine times out of ten there are no clarinet players in the living room I immediately thought, "Kelly is finding it curious that there's a girl playing clarinet in the living room." This is generally what my day looks like. "Kelly is wishing her lender realized that she isn't an idiot." "Kelly is wishing she didn't answer 'yes' when the lady in Starbuck's asked if she could touch her child."

About that.

Yesterday I talked about how babies soften people. After having Emma I took notice of the kindness of strangers. Even as I neared the last months of pregnancy, I found that people were generally nicer. Another added benefit was not getting cat-called at anymore either. You don't often here a man yell, "Ooooo like at the fine big belly. I wanna get me summa that." Not that I was always getting hit on before, but come on ladies, you know what I mean.

Anywho, now that people want to talk to me (ok Emma) every where I go, I have to step up my friendliness quota a few notches. Looking down while walking is no longer acceptable. I have a baby. People want a smile. Other moms expect the sympathy smile and old people expect the beaming-with-pride smile. Also, I have to be ready to drop what I'm doing to engage in conversation. The bases that must be covered include but are not limited to: Emma's name, age, amount of teeth, and if she's a good sleeper. I also have to be prepared for people to touch my child, which they often do. Today I was clearly caught off guard because they usually don't ask. I said "no" in my head but "sure" came out of my mouth. Shoot.

Now, about those cat-calls that used to bother me so much. Yeah, not so much anymore. I remember the first time a group of guys did it to me after having Emma. It was in the grocery store parking lot and I rushed home excitedly to tell Matt. It was like a 10 lb. baby weight lift.

I think this first year with my first child is like a honeymoon period though. I see these women out and about with three or four kids, and they just don't seem to have the same flocks of people migrating to talk to them. Instead, I feel like people go the other way and avoid eye contact at all cost. Something to remember next time I pass by a frazzled mom with screaming kids. That'll be me one day. I better offer my momma-sympathy smile now...


Stephanie said...

Oh my goodness! I totally think in Facebook statuses. Stephanie is finding it humorous that she's not the only one!

Kate said...

one time in Kroger a lady said very nastily "you probably dont let people touch her do you?" and I replied "well it is flu season" You could try that line for a while :o)

kara h said...

Hey, I'm Tate's older sister and I just wanted to say that I always saw people touching my babies as kind of my ministry. It gives you a chance to tell perfect strangers what God is doing in your kids lives. I'd NEVER put them in danger, but people love to touch Elly's long hair and Porter's bald head and I just taught myself to love it also. I like being given a chance to talk about how God created them.

Enjoy this time!!

Kstro said...

Katie is said frazzled mom with 3 kids whom people avoid. Enjoy this 'simpler' time with just definitely isn't easy, but at least you still have the sanity to interact pleasantly with others :) I find that everyone annoys me now...especially those mall vendors that try to rub lotion on you as you walk by with gigantic stroller loaded with coats, diaper bags, and kids yelling "SNACK! SNACK!". Umm unless your lotion has transdermal vodka in it I don't want it! :)

hcfischer1 said...

I know that this is jaded but I'm personally glad when people do not stop me to comment on my 3 kids. Number one I am too busy to chat. Number two it always sounds something like, "Oh, my. How many boys do you have? Wow, three boys ages three and under! You must have your hands full."
Except I welcome all comments of encouragement (like the ones your mother-in-law gave me yesterday).

Anonymous said...

Dude, if you think in facebook statuses what it really means is you think in tweets. You need to join twitter! Please! AAAAND you can do twitter from your phone and it AUTOMATICALLY updates your facebook status...and then I can have a friend on twitter bc right now its me and all of brian's friends. no fun.